Richard Stallman on mies vapaiden ohjelmistojen, Emacs-editorin ja GNU GPL-lisenssin takana. Nyt tuo ikuinen partaradikaali on kommentoinut myös Suomen tilannetta ja Lex Nokiaa:
The tendency these days is for governments to bow down to the
megacorporations, and let the dictate the laws. People often take for
granted that business has more political power than citizens — but if
that is true, what does it mean? It means we have corporatocracy
instead of democracy. A flagrant example of corporatocracy is
happening right now in Finland — for details, see
Thus, the most important political imperative in the nominally
democratic countries today is to take away the political power of
business. We must change laws, treaties, and constitutions so that
the corporations cannot rule us.
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